~Dedicated to hj_hikari. Beta reader, background maker, and birthday girl XP Enjoy~

Chapter 1: And So It Begins

All was quiet in the building. The elevators did not move, the shadows did not twitch, but most of all: The coffee maker had ceased concocting the foul liquid.

The lower head sighed in relief and readied himself for a rare chance to relax.

He walked around the lobby, poking at the chairs and trying to find a place where he could sit down and doze while looking like he was actually still on guard. Finally, after his third circle around the main floor, he caught sight of a wonderful leather chair, sitting by itself in a slightly darkened corner. Smiling gleefully, he made his way towards it but paused when he caught sight of his reflection out of the corner of his eye.
He paused for a bit, contemplating but then he shrugged to himself and said, “Why not?”

Walking up so he was arms length away from the mirror, he pulled out his shades and put them on. Fixing the lapels of his coat, he stuck a pose and said in his best Sean Connery voice:

“The name’s Kumo… Shiroi Kumo.”

He cackled to himself, ready to do it again, but his feet were complaining, so he winked to his reflection and promised he’d be back another time before heading towards his desired destination.

All unknown to him, a dark shadow, blacker than…uh… black was watching it all with a third eye that glowed.

As Shiroi Kumo walked closer to the chair, the sinister blob began to mentally count down in his head.


Shiroi was three steps away from his chair, his feet could almost feel the relief.


He was now one step away. So, he took advantage of the space and pivoted so he would sit down, butt first, like any normal person.

His butt touched the leather.

“THREETWOONE!” Yelled the blob, almost startling the figure out of his chair.

But it was too late for the one, Shiroi Kumo.

The shadow pressed a button (that was big, shiny, and red, just in case you were wondering) and the chair, with the top head, fell as the trap door suddenly gave way.
Listening to his victim’s screams, the blob that was blacker than black pulled away from the shadows and ran to the edge of the gaping hole, howling with laughter and screaming back down to the poor sap.

“ONLY I CAN HAVE WHITE HAIR!” Hakushe yelled, before breaking off into a sinisterly screeching laughter.

And all Shiroi had wanted was a nice place to plant his tush.